Cat Breeding [The Cat Lady in Me]
“A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes”
Have you had a lifelong passion that has always been a large part of you?
When I was a little girl, life wasn’t exactly a fairy tale. As you may have read in my about section or maybe in my motherhood book, I had some emotional struggles with my family. As a young girl I experienced and witnessed some things that I shouldn’t have. It left me feeling afraid, alone, and unsure of myself. I never thought my life would lead me into cat breeding.
First, it was stuffed animals, mostly cats, sometimes dogs. Then, it turned into real cats. I clung onto these objects and animals because of the pleasure, joy, and reassurance they brought me. They were my own personal therapy.

Animals can do some amazing things to help you cope with the curve balls, emotional turmoils, and stressful incidents in everyday life. Yes, they can also add to the chaos at times. Believe me, I know this from first hand experiences. From the sound of a cat vomiting on top of you to cleaning up the water that was just knocked off onto the floor and everything in between. I have never been bothered by animal’s bodily functions. This is why I decided to peruse a career with animals.
I was so young and naive when I first started caring for cats. I knew I needed to become more educated about how to properly care for them. So, I went to school and became a registered vet tech. This job is not only strenuous, but dangerous at times. Animals are unpredictable after all.
My Journey into Bengals and Cat Breeding

The Bengal breed is so amazing. These cats are unlike any that I have had before. My first Bengal was tragically taken from me when I was in high school and I was so distraught for weeks. It took me a long time to get over that loss. Years later when I moved into my first apartment, I decided it was time for another Bengal. That’s when I found Beau. I took him with me everywhere. He was my pal, my companion, and he made me feel good.
Beau was such a special cat to me. He unfortunately passed away earlier this year and it struck me a lot harder then I thought it was going to. I had become a mom of two, I was so wrapped up in motherhood and taking care of my human babies. Motherhood consumed me. I lost that part of myself that I truly loved. I cut back my hours working with animals a ton and my kids soon became the fore front of everything.
When I lost Beau, it really opened my eyes. I found that passion of animals that I had putting on hold for my kids, re-surge in me. It made me realize that I needed to do something for me again. Cat breeding was on the fore front of my mind.
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The Happy Medium-Cat Breeding
Due to the salary of a vet tech costing pretty close to the amount in daycare fees for two kids, my husband and I decided it would be best for our family for me to stay at home and care for the kids. I needed something to do that was for me, and allowed me the flexibility of staying home. I had thought about breeding cats in the past, but working with animals and seeing how many are in need of love and care, I could’t bring myself to cat breeding.
When Beau passed away it made me reflect on the life I had with him and the bond we shared. That relationship and bond made me change my outlook of pedigreed cats. I really want to be able to share that companionship with other people. With much debate and planning, I decided to take the leap and start my own breeding business.
These cats are family to me and raised as a part of mine. It is my hope to place kittens into homes of those who also have a passion for cats and this exotic breed. They are so unique and such beautiful creatures. I have done lots of research on this breed and those alike. Being the best I can at advocating for this breed is a passion of mine.
Involving my kids in my life hobby and business adventure has been so amazing for my whole family. They are learning about how to care for these cats and so, much more. From creating there own bond with them, to learning how to put their own needs aside to care for the needs of others. I can’t wait to watch them grow up in this country side lifestyle, surrounded by serine nature and animals.

Descanso Ranch Cattery
In the beautiful quiet mountain side of Descanso, CA, my family laid down our roots. Descanso means, “a place of rest”. It truly is a magical place to live, raise a family, and run a cattery. These cats are so spoiled with all the wildlife to watch. They have there own personal entertainment center at all times with endless birds to watch, and bugs to chase.
I take a lot of pride in the health and well-being of my cats. This is the perfect fit for me, from my medical knowledge to my years of cat care and husbandry. Our cattery is small and home based. We breed silver spotted/rosette, brown spotted/rosetted, silver marble, and brown marble Bengals. We are TICA registered and our cats are Stud Book Traditional.
Learn more on our Website
Find out the information you need on our website, see available litters, pricing, and schedule a visit to come pick out your very own kitten. Reach out to be on my wait-list to have first pick of the litter.

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