How I deal with the Terrible Twos! [real talk]
Okay moms, raise your hands if at the end of the day you feel like you’ve failed to do something on your list, or just want to sleep, but can’t because it’s 2am, and your baby is crying, or your toddler is throwing a fit,…
Dog Licking, keeping you awake at night? [step-by-step info]
My dogs from time to time and more so my French bulldog have the tendency to itch and lick! If I just leave it alone they will do it very frequently! I don’t like the sound of dog licking, while I am trying to fall…
Money Saving Weekly Menu and Grocery List
I wanted to share a typical weekly menu and grocery list for my family of three! First, I made a menu board that suits my family’s weekly needs. I used a white board and a sharpie to section off each day of the week, as…
Pill Your Cat like a Pro
I have had lots of cats in my time and one of the things, that I have learned to master, is giving them medications. I want to share how I give my cat his pill without being malled to death. What I do to Pill…
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