Educational Toddler Activity [Cookie Cutters]
Being home most of the time with my little ones has made me a little eager to make sure I am doing everything I can to teach my toddler. Holding my toddler’s attention span and giving him new ways to learn is often challenging. Therefore, I am always looking up new and exciting ways to offer him fun, educational, and rewarding activities. This educational toddler activity sure checks all the boxes!
I love this activity for several reasons. One, I can use the cookie cutters for baking and for learning. It’s nice that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on this easy-to-use activity. Two, I love how many learning tools that this simple kitchen utensil offers my toddler.
This educational toddler activity teaches my toddler many things. From understanding size comparisons, to matching, and even counting. The possibilities are endless. It was easy and convenient to set up. I loved how my 9-month-old daughter could also join in the fun. She had a great time exploring the cookie cutters’ smooth curves and different shapes. It was a win win for both of my kid’s.
First Educational Toddler Activity

This activity was easy to set up. For a lot of these learning with cookie cutter activities, you will need some pens and paper. My son loves to draw on paper with a marker. I mean he would draw with a marker on anything, really. But we are trying to learn that markers are for paper and not to color sister, or the walls, or himself.
I wrote out on a piece of paper the numbers I had a corresponding number to. Then, I had my toddler try to match the numbers. We would count and say each number as he placed them on the piece of paper. I would also ask him what color each number was. Even though they were all the same color, it was nice for him to learn that.
I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did with matching his numbers. He also learned how to count and that they were all the same color blue. It was really a good educational activity for my toddler. It kept him nice and busy!
Second Activity

This is like the numbers one above. I wrote out the alphabet on a few different sheets of paper. Then he would match the corresponding letter with the written one. We sang and pointed to each letter as we went. I would ask him about the color of each letter. My toddler started to get faster and faster about matching each alphabet piece each time.
He really responded well to this educational activity and was eager to search for and fill each letter. It was rewarding to watch his face light up at the praise for each correctly matched letter! We sang the alphabet song a few times and pointed to each letter. I would also ask him which letter was next and see if he could recognize all the letters.
Third Activity

We did some color matching. I took a piece of paper and wrote the color with the corresponding color marker. Then I asked him if he could find the red pieces. He would find a red cookie cutter and place it on the red piece of paper. We repeated this with each color we had.
My toddler did really well with matching his colors. We sang the colors of the rainbow song as we went though each color. He responds really well to singing songs and tries to sing along. I love this! You can really see him eager and ready to learn through his play.
Fourth Activity

My toddler was all about the markers and was trying to write on the paper like mommy. So I had him practice tracing the cookie cutters. I would hold the cookie cutter in place and encourage him to trace the perimeter of the cookie cutter.
This educational toddler activity was great for him to learn how to control his marker. He studied his movement and tried his best to follow the curvature of the cookie cutter with his marker. Depending on what he traced, we would talk about what he drew. I would ask him what color he drew it in and if he could draw two. So, we tried to put in different learning components into each activity.
Fifth Activity

This one was a little tough concept for him to grasp. We will definitely continue working on it. But I would ask him about opposites. Which one is big and which one is small? We talked about the different between the two. My toddler was understanding the concept.
I drew the words big and small on a sheet of paper and placed the bigger cookie cutter on the big side and the little cookie cutter on the small side. Now, this only works if you have two of the same shape. We also talked about the shape, the color, and the number of each cookie cutter.
Sixth Activity

I was lucky that my cookie cutters came with an assortment of shapes, sizes, and colors. We practiced saying all the different shapes. Understand the written and verbal names of each one. Testing to see if my toddler could identify each one. This concept was also a bit harder for him.
This educational shape activity was fun though. He liked to explore the different shapes. My toddler is at that age where he tries to repeat everything I say. So, it was fun to watch him study each shape.
Seventh Activity

This one was fun. Although my toddler can’t read yet, it helped me to write the word and say it for him. It was a good introduction for him to understand how words are constructed and spelled.
For this activity, I wrote a few of the cookie cutter’s names on a sheet of paper. I would point to each one and say the name. I then asked him if he could find it. Once he found the appropriate one, I would have him match it up.
He wasn’t able to read the word and do this on his own quite yet. But, with all the practice, I have no doubts that he will be reading and understanding the language in no time at all.
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Education Toddler Activity
This activity was so much fun and very educational for my son. It kept him quite entertained. I loved that my daughter was able to participate. They love these cookie cutter pieces. You can find some here.

It feels good to offer this easy educational learning toddler activity to everyone. I hope your kid’s enjoy it as much as my son does!
Other Educational Learn Through Play Activities

I love teaching my kids, but I also love to teach myself new things too! As a busy mom it’s hard to find the time. I love to use Audible to listen to books while I rock multitasking! It’s truly a life changer.
Give it a TRY! Great for gifts & kids learning too!