Convenient & Natural Teething Remedy that my Baby Loved!
Those pesky, painful baby teeth!
My daughter is 4 months old, and a teething baby is in full swing, for her right now! I feel so helpless, at times, when my babies are having teething pain. My pediatrician, once said, ‘Teething isn’t a disease, so you don’t need to treat it with medications’.
Well, as much as, that does make sense, I still don’t want, my little one to be in pain. I have tried the regular teething toys with her. But, this idea, I randomly thought of, was a real game changer for her!

Here’s what I did!
Since, at around 4 months of age, or when your baby is showing interest in food, you can start to offer them solid foods. I started her on the typical, breast milk and rice cereal bit. But, she wasn’t a big fan of that! As, you can see!

So, I had some frozen blueberries, in my freezer, that I use for my toddler’s smoothies. That’s when the lightbulb 💡, went off! I grabbed my handy Munchckin Brand Food Feeder (this thing is amazing), I shoved some of these frozen blueberries, inside!
The results were amazing! She just couldn’t get enough of this tasty treat! It was so soothing for her gums. She, literally sat there for at least 20 min, as content as could be, sucking on her feeder. This was great!
It was a little bit messy, as you can see. I highly recommend putting a bib on your baby. You don’t want to stain those cute baby clothes! Especially, since they grow out of them so quickly, you want to be able keep them nice. I love to donate the clothes my kids outgrow to other moms.
I love teaching my kids, but I also love to teach myself new things too! As a busy mom it’s hard to find the time. I love to use Audible to listen to books while I rock multitasking! It’s truly a life changer.
Give it a TRY! Great for gifts & kids learning too!

How I felt about this
It was so rewarding, to be able to feed her solid foods, without going through the process of heating, blending, adding liquids, to the food, just so, she could have me spoon it into her mouth.
OH NO! THIS, was way better for her, and EASIER for me! It not only gave her a great introduction into blueberries, it helped soothe her sore gums, and gave her the ability to do it herself. Plus, it gave her a great experience and sense of accomplishment, at this early stage in her life!

Try it!
I recommend giving this method a try! My baby loved it, and I hope yours will too! Let this help you save yourself some time, and offer your baby a tasty treat, that is not only fun, but soothing as well!
On top of all that, you can feel good about giving it, because it doesn’t come from a jar with a list of ingredients you cant even pronounce!
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Now that I’ve figured out this teething thing, if only my baby would sleep through the night too! Read about the lighting technique I use.

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