Fridge and Freezer Organizing [step-by-step]
I am a little crazy when it comes to being organized. I find it just helps me so much to be able to find all the things I need! So, I want to share some fridge and freezer organizing tips with you.
Let’s be real, when everything has a place to be, it makes it so much easier to put back properly. Doing this, also makes it easy to find, because you expect it to be in the same place, you saw it last!
This time of every item having a place, can be applied to optimize areas of your home. This is extremely helpful in keeping things clean and organized!
Let’s Start with the Freezer!
Inside Freezer Freezer Door
On the inside of the freezer, I have on the left photo, is a re purposed cardboard box! In the box, I like to keep my bread items and vegetables, so you can see some vegetable bags and some bread bags as well.
To the right I like to stack larger items typically, those will be my dinner sides like fries, tater tots, etc. There is also, a small bag of ice under the fries, because we don’t have an ice maker.
In the door of my freezer, I put misc small items such as half used frozen vegetable bags, my sweets (ice cream, otter pops, frozen fruit). I also, put my frozen bananas (great for that banana bread recipe, check it out in my recipes!), and a few ice packs for packed lunches and what not.
For the Refrigerator!
Inside Fridge Fridge Door
My fridge has these wire racks, so I covered them with some cloth material to help keep things clean. I used to have one for the bottom, but we had some meat thawing in there that leaked so I tossed that one and haven’t gotten around to replacing it just yet. Now, I use a fancy box to thaw my meat, this makes for easy clean up, and stops contaminates from reaching my other food!
In the drawer of my fridge, I like to use these plastic bins from the dollar store. On the left I keep my cheese, and in the middle bin, I keep my fresh vegetables.
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To the right is my sons bin, so it has some yogurt, cheese sticks, applesauce. These bins, make it so nice to keep everything organized. Without, them the drawer would be impossible to navigate and find things! When things get lost, the mold sets in. DUNT DUNT DONE!
The bottom shelf, I usually keep my leftovers and the plastic tub is where meat goes. This works out really nice because thawing meat can get messy and this keeps it contained.
The middle shelf, I store my eggs in my nice egg storage container, and I keep a bowl there for fruit that has ripened on the counter.
To the very right, I keep cold drinks since they fit nicely there. My top shelf is my sort of odd ball shelf for misc opened containers and extra drink space. Plus, I’ve noticed things on the top shelf have the tendency to freeze, so I am careful with what I place up there.
In my fridge door, I like to keep it simple to just my tall heavier liquids like milk or juice, and then condiments above that.
Ta Da! It’s that Simple!
So yeah, that’s how I like to organize my fridge and freezer! The shelf lining helps keep things clean, the bins help keep things going back to the same place, and I love being able to thaw my meat in a specialized contained area, as to not contaminate other foods! I hope this gives you some good ideas for your refrigerator!
Check out my other organizing ideas!

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